Valeria Stuardo Avila

Profesora Asistente, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile
Doctora en Salud Pública

Teléfono: +562 29786522

La Dra. Valeria Stuardo Ávila es Magíster y Doctora en Salud Pública, especialista en el estudio de los aspectos socio-epidemiológicos relacionados con las enfermedades transmisibles, especialmente VIH/ITS. Tiene amplia experiencia  liderando  proyectos  de base comunitaria sobre vigilancia epidemiológica, monitorización social  y salud sexual en poblaciones vulnerables y de difícil acceso, como LGBTI+, trabajadoras sexuales y población migrante, en equipos  multi y transdisciplinares, con metodologías mixtas, cuali-cuantitativas. Ha trabajado en la Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona; Departament de Salut de Barcelona;  Centre d'Estudis Epidemiològics sobre les Infeccions de Transmissió Sexual i Sida de Catalunya (CEEISCAT);  Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Geneva, Suiza,  actualmente  es profesora asociada de la  Escuela de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Chile. Múltiples congresos y publicaciones a nivel nacional e internacional y redes de investigación colaborativa.

Antecedentes académicos

  • Doctora en Salud Pública, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona-España
  • Magíster en Salud Pública, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona/universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona-España
  • Licenciada en Obstetricia, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco-Chile

Áreas de interés

  • Epidemiología de las enfermedades transmisibles 


  • Salud sexual

  • Investigación de base comunitaria

Proyectos de investigción 

  • 2020-2022. Multi-country study aimed at evaluating the impact of the Covid-19 health crisis on vulnerable populations, people living with HIV and community settings (EPIC project). PI Chile. Funding: International Coalition on AIDS, France (Coalition PLUS)

  • 2022-2023: Study on knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices related to the monkeypox virus in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Latin America (LIBERO-POX). PI Chile. Funding: International Coalition on AIDS, France (Coalition PLUS)- The Ibero American Network on Gay Men, others MSM and Trans Studies (RIGHT PLUS). 

  • 2022-2025: Community based surveillance of socio-epidemiological aspects linked to sexual health and related communicable diseases in migrant population in Chile (COSMIC project). PI, Funding: National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development, FONDECYT REGULAR N° 1220371.

  • 2007-2010: “Synergies between HIV Infection and Human Papillomavirus: Cervical Cancer and its Prevention in HIV-infected women”. Co-researcher / coordinator. Funding: Foundation for Research and Prevention of AIDS in Spain (FIPSE) FIPSE 32620/06, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Spain (MTAS) 81 / 062007-2010.

  • 2012-2014:“Sociodemographic, behavioral and clinical factors associated with the screening pattern of cervical cancer in women living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)”. Principal Investigator (PI). Funding: Vice-Rectory for Research and Development (VID) University of Chile U-INICIA 1/0812

  • 2012-2014:“Sociodemographic factors related to tuberculosis in high incidence districts in the Metropolitan Region”. 2012-2014. PI, Funding: School of Public Health, University of Chile. 

  • 2012-2014: “Sociocultural aspects involved in the adherence to antiretroviral treatment for HIV / AIDS: development of qualitative indicators for new intervention models”. PI, Funding: National Fund for Research and Development in Health-Chile, FONIS SA12I2037

  • 2014-2017: “Bio-behavioural surveillance for HIV / AIDS in hard-to-reach populations in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile”. PI, Funding: National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development, FONDECYT 11140021.

  • 2015-2017:“Beliefs and experiences in sexuality of adolescents living with HIV acquired perinatal from hospitals in the Metropolitan Region and V Region.” Methodological assessor. Funding: National Fund for Research and Development in Health-Chile, FONIS SA15I20033

  • 2017-2020: “Latin American Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Internet Survey (LAMIS)”. PI Chile, Funding: Local financing of the participating countries.

  • 2018-2020: The Iberoamerican Network on Gay Men, other MSM and Trans Studies (RIGHT Plus). PI, Funding: National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research CONICYT- International Cooperation Program, REDES N° 180058.

  • 2019-2020: “Pilot monitoring of HIV community testing in one NGO of the Metropolitan Region”. PI, Funding: Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile.


  • Stuardo V, Agustí C, Godinez JM, Montoliu A, Torné A, et al. (2012) Human Papillomavirus Infection in HIV-1 Infected Women in Catalonia (Spain): Implications for Prevention of Cervical Cancer. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47755. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047755. Corresponding author.

    Bahamonde Harvez C, Stuardo Ávila V. The cholera epidemic in Latin America reemergence and morbidity and mortality. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2013;33(1):40–6. Corresponding author.

  • Stuardo V, Agustí C, Casabona J (2013) Low Prevalence of Cervical Cancer Screening Among HIV-Positive Women in Catalonia (Spain). J AIDS Clinic Res S3: 004. doi:10.4172/2155-6113.S3-004. Corresponding author.

  • Cristian Bahamonde, Valeria Stuardo, Bárbara Hott-Harvey, José Manríquez y Pedro Mardones. Meningococcal disease in the Metropolitan Region of Chile and its correlation with environmental factors. Rev Chilena Infectol 2014; 31 (6): 645-650.  Corresponding autor.

  • LEAL F, Ingrid; STUARDO A, Valeria; MOLINA G, Temístocles  y  GONZALEZ A, Electra. Early menarche and its association with risk behaviors in adolescents. Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. 2015, vol.80, n.1.

  • José Manríquez, Valeria Stuardo. Adherence to HART in HIV: the importance of the socio-cultural context involved. Rev Chilena Infectol 2015; 32 (3): 361-362. Corresponding author.

  • Stuardo Ávila, V., Manriquez Urbina, J. M., Fajreldin Chuaqui, V., Belmar Prieto, J. & Valenzuela Santibáñez, V. Model of socio-cultural dimensions involved in adherence to antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS in public health care centers in Chile. AIDS Care28, 1441–1447 (2016). autor.

  • Stuardo Avila, Valeria  y  Gajardo Jauregui, Jean. Older adult and HIV: beyond the perception of risk. Rev. méd. Chile [online]. 2016, vol.144, n.10, pp.1367-1367. ISSN 0034-9887. Corresponding autor.

  • Bielka Carvajal Gutiérrez, Valeria Stuardo Ávila, José Manuel Manríquez Urbina, Julieta Belmar Prieto, Cinta Folch. Adaptation of a biobehavioral survey for HIV surveillance in Chilean sex workers. Gac Sanit. 2017;31(6):478–484. Corresponding autor.

  • Julieta Belmar, Valeria Stuardo, Cinta Folch, Bielka Carvajal, Maria José Clunes, Alexandra Montoliu and Jordi Casabona. A typology of female sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 2017 Aug 11:1-14. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2017.1355478. Corresponding author.

  • Belmar J, Stuardo V. Adherence to anti-retroviral treatment for HIV / AIDS in women: a socio-cultural perspective. Rev Chilena Infectol 2017; 34 (4): 352-358. Corresponding autor.

  • Valeria Stuardo A. Forgotten prevention: HIV reemergence in Chile. Rev Chilena Infectol 2017; 34 (4): 419-420. Corresponding autor.

  • Julieta Belmar, Valeria Stuardo, Cinta Folch, Alexandra Montoliu, Jordi Casabona. Linked factors to access to sexual health check-ups of Female Sex Workers in the Metropolitan region of Chile.  Int J Public Health (2018). Corresponding author.

  • Leire Roldan, Valeria Stuardo, Susanne Strömdahl. Correlates of condomless anal intercourse among men who have sex with men in Santiago de Chile. Int J STD AIDS. 2019 Mar;30(3):231-240. doi: 10.1177/0956462418802927. Corresponding author.

  • Stuardo Ávila V, Fuentes Alburquenque M, Muñoz R, Bustamante Lobos L, Faba A, Belmar Prieto J, Casabona J. Prevalence and  associated factors  with HIV infection in homo-bisexual population and other MSM in the Metropolitan Region of Chile: a reemerging public health problem. AIDS Behav. 2019 Apr 5. doi: Corresponding author.

  • Olmos C, Stuardo V, Ramonda P, Peña C. Socio-epidemiological caracterization and evolution of tuberculosis in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, 2005 to 2018. Rev Chilena Infectol 2020; 37 (3): 237-243. Corresponding author.

  • Olmos C, Stuardo V, Ramonda P, Peña C. Evolution of tuberculosis/HIV coinfection in the Metropolitan Region of Chile,  from 2005 to 2018. Rev Med Chile 2020; 148: 618-625. Corresponding author.

  • Olmos Claudio, Stuardo Valeria. Distribution of COVID-19 and tuberculosis in the Metropolitan Region of Chile: differents diseases, similar inequalities. Rev Med Chile 2020; 148: 963-969. Corresponding author.

  • Olmos C, Stuardo V, Ramonda P, Peña C. Epidemiological evolution of tuberculosis in the pediatric population of the Metropolitan Region of Chile: 2005 a 2018. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2020;92(2): XX-XX DOI:10.32641/rchped.vi92i2.2141. Corresponding author.

  • Cristian Lisboa Donoso, Valeria Stuardo Avila. Aspects associated with sexualized drug use among gay men and other men who have sex with men: A cross-sectional study from LAMIS 2018 –Chile. Sex Health. 2020 Dec;17(6):493-502.doi: 10.1071/SH20089. Corresponding author.

  • Constanza Adrián, Valeria Stuardo. Acceptability of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among gay men and other men who have sex with men: analysis of LAMIS 2018 – Chile. Rev Chilena Infectol 2021; 38 (5): 655-666. Corresponding autor.

  • Reyes-Díaz M, Celly A, Folch C, Lorente N, Stuardo V, Veras MA, et al. (2022) Latin American Internet Survey for Men who have Sex with Men (LAMIS-2018): Design, methods and implementation. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277518.

  • Pedro Ferrer-Rosende, María Feijoo-Cid, María Isabel Fernández-Cano, Sergio Salas-Nicás, Valeria Stuardo-Ávila, Albert Navarro-Giné. Implementation of web-based respondent driven sampling in epidemiological studies. BMC Med Res Methodol 23, 217 (2023).

  • Lisboa C, Stuardo V, Folch C (2023) Sexualized drug use among gay men and other men who have sex with men in Latin America: A description of the phenomenon based on the results of LAMIS-2018. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0287683. Corresponding author.

  • C. Adrian Parra, V. Stuardo Ávila, P. Contreras Hernández, C. Quirland Lazo, C. Bustos Ibarra,  M. Carrasco-Portiño, J. Belmar Prieto, J. Barrientos, C. Lisboa Donoso, K. Low Andrade. The structural and intermediary determinants in sexual health care access in migrant population: A Scoping Review. Public Health 2023 Dec 19:227:54-62. Corresponding author.

Abril, 2024

