English Opens Doors Program - National Volunteer Center


Fechas convocatoria


6 de marzo de 2017


31 de marzo de 2017

Información básica


Ministry of Education


Dirigido a

Estudiantes extranjeros en intercambio estudiantil


Ciencias Sociales Educación Humanidades Salud Tecnología Ciencias Silvoagropecuarias Derecho Arte y Arquitectura Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas

What is the English Opens Doors Program?

The EODP is a branch of the Ministry of Education designed to improve English language education in schools throughout Chile. 

What is the National Volunteer Center?

The NVC is an initiative of the English Opens Doors Program and is supported by the United Nations Development Program-Chile. The NCV seeks higly motivated native or near-native English speakers to serve as English Language Teaching Assistants. Part-Time volunteers serve as teaching assistants to Chilean head teachers in public and semi-private schools, and organize classroom activities designed to improve students speaking and listening skills. 

Who are Part-Time Program Volunteers?

Part-Time volunteers are native or near native English speakers who are currently enrolled as university students in Chile, or are currently working in Chile. 

What is the time commitment?

Part-Time volunteers can spend between 4-16 hours per week in Chilean classrooms throughout a semester, depending on their schedule. You will indicate to us your availity and maximum hours you are willing to work. We will then assign you to your school based on availability. Volunteering with the Part-Time program requires commitment and dedication to your schedule, so that you can motivate your students to develop their speaking and listening skills throughout the entire semester. 

How do I apply?

Please contact paula.soca@mineduc.cl to request the "Invitation to Apply" if you are interested. 

When can I start?

After we receive your application, we will send you an online form that will allow you to give us you availability and maximum weekly time commitment. We will assign you to a school and teacher as soon as possible. Ideally, you will start your volunteer service in April 2017. At the start of your service, we will hold a short orientation to welcome you as Part-Time volunteers, and give you the information that you´ll need to be effective volunteers during the semester. 

Former Volunteer Reflection

"The English Opens Doors Part-Time Program not only enhances the English language learning process but also benefited me. Through this volunteer program, I was not only able to assiste students on bettering their English but also helped them see the benefits in knowing/speaking the language. I would recommend this program to anyone, especially those striving to work in the field education."

Part-Time Volunteer, Santiago 2013.